Coherence Education

About Us

Most of us entered adulthood lacking key life skills, including effective communication, conflict resolution, financial literacy, emotional regulation, leadership, and project management. If we were self-aware, these deficiencies became apparent to us during crises in finance, relationships, and health, causing us to invest the time and money to learn these skills later in life. For those of us who weren’t so self-aware, we would tend to blame our crises on others.

Our students at Coherence Education are preparing for adulthood in an entirely different way, learning the self-awareness, how to connect to their unique creative genius, and learning key skills for creating joyful and productive lives now and in the future. 

Imagine how your life would have been different if you had learned the most important stuff when you were a kid. Where would you be today with regards to your health, wealth, career, creative life, and relationships? 

Now… imagine such a future for your own child – and let’s get started helping them live their best lives now.

Foundational Principals

The Core Tenets of Coherence Education Philosophy

We are revolutionaries, transforming the educational landscape from a rigid assembly line that molds uniform minds, to a vibrant tapestry that celebrates the unique gifts and purposes each child brings to the world. We recognize that the true source of power lies within, and we strive to awaken the inner compass that guides each student on their personal journey of discovery.

Meet the Team

Andrew Freeman


As a kid Andrew had a hard time focusing and his parents put him on Ritalin. While that only put him into a fog, what did help him was when his father introduced him to meditation at the age of 14.


Not only was Andrew able to get off medication, he received a full basketball scholarship to college, won a state tennis championship and got a MBA from Northwestern.


After a successful career in tech, Andrew realized that it wasn’t his career or academia that brought him the most joy but rather the extensive personal transformational education he sought later in life that reconnected him to his creative spark.


So when his child began to lose her love for learning from traditional schooling, he felt compelled to help transform education by bringing masters in personal development to kids.


Why should kids wait until they are adults to learn the things that contribute most to them having a happy, successful and meaningful life?


Bella Shing

Creative Director

Meet Bella – After attending the prestigious NYU Tisch School of the Arts MFA Film program, Bella has honed her skills to become an award-winning commercials director and writer with a passion for inspiring creativity in young minds.

Driven by a desire to empower young people, Bella secured a grant from PBS to guide Oakland teens in creating a compelling documentary on “What Makes a Teacher Worth Listening To.” She has also dedicated her time to teaching Video Production to children as young as eight, helping them discover their creative spark and learn the power of visual storytelling.

Bella recognizes that the current education system often stifles creativity, and is committed to supporting programs that help individuals of all ages access their inner creative genius. She believes that creativity is everyone’s birthright and that practices that engage the mind, body, and spirit are crucial for unlocking this potential.

Danna Lewis

Strategic Advisor

Danna is a heart-centered leader known for her strategic thought partnership and stakeholder-focused approach. She has served as an operations and marketing executive, board member, and is a  published author with over 20 years of experience across various industries. She excels in managing educational programs and content, scaling growth, leading cross-functional teams in finance, operations, sales, marketing, and product development. Her expertise shines in driving operations during rapid expansion and transformation in environments ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies, including Citigroup.

Danna’s current roles include Program / Course Manager for The Shift Network and Director of Business Development and Stakeholder Experience for the Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce. She also provides selective coaching in career, personal, and executive development.

Danna is a co-author of three Amazon best-selling books on conscious leadership, including “The Energy of Receiving,” “The Energy of Creativity,” and “Relationships Done Easy,” and the author of “The Indisputable Gift of Men.” Her influence has extended to the airwaves as well, as the creator and host of the weekly radio show “Luscious Leadership”.