Coherence Education

What We Wish We Learned…

When we were kids…

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Kids naturally want to learn and grow. We help fuel their passion for learning through:

Master Teachers

  • World-renowned luminaries including Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Lee Holden, Katie Hendricks, and Foster Gamble

Student-Driven Projects

  • Students learn by DOING. A portion of each class is devoted to project work, where students have the support, input, and inspiration of teachers and peers.

Creative Genius

  • Students develop confidence in their creative connection through coherence meditations and creativity exercises.

Critical Thinking

  • Students examine their beliefs based on available logic, evidence, and via respectful discussions with teachers and other students

Hands-On and Interactive

  • Classes are presented live, with short lectures balanced with breakout group exercises and in-class project workshop time.
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What Our Students are Saying

Coherence Education is changing lives.

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Our Classes

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Need help? Book a call at a time to suit your schedule

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Meet our department heads

Isabella Doe, CEO
+44 012 45678 John Doe, Marketing
+44 012 45678 Isabella Doe, Sales
+44 012 45678 John Doe, Support
+44 012 45678

Studio location

Europe Offices

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B65774, Luxemberg +44 012 45678 Directions